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The Women of Colour Global Network (WOCGN) is a professional network (1,700+ members) and consultancy dedicated to driving equity for all by empowering and advancing women of colour in the workplace.
We exist to help organisations build inclusive environments where they can unlock the potential of their women of colour employees, and reap the benefits of a diverse workforce.
We welcome women of colour and allies and we are cis women, trans, queer and non-binary inclusive.
We are the first company in the UK that provides a cross-sector professional network for women of colour employees and allies.

An inclusive professional network 

Welcome to the Women of Colour Global Network (WOCGN) - a professional network dedicated to advancing and investing in women of colour (WOC) at all career stages. Equipping them with tools, training and support to lead confident and successful careers.​


Working closely with allies, organisations and partners we offer a targeted programme of mentorship, sponsorship, training and professional development - the WOCGN Pathway - to empower women of colour and create inclusive leadership cultures to support their progression.​


While our primary focus is on women of colour, our network is open to everyone who shares our vision of promoting diversity, inclusion, and gender and racial equity.


We believe that by creating a space where diverse voices intersect, we can foster meaningful connections, broaden perspectives, and drive positive change. Together, we work towards a world where all individuals, regardless of their race or gender, can thrive and contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society.


We are cis women, trans, queer and non-binary inclusive.​​


"Celebrating diversity and driving equity for all is not only a moral imperative but also a strategic imperative for a thriving society. We must focus on uplifting the least represented among us because their success is an indicator of the progress we have made as a whole."

Michelle Obama

Driving equity for all.

Only 1% of power positions in the UK go to women of colour.

The Colour of Power, Ethnic Diversity in Britain’s Leadership, Green Park 2020

Why women of


Globally, achieving gender equality remains a challenge, with an estimated 134 years until parity across key areas. Women's representation in leadership roles is declining, particularly for women of colour.


Only 1% of power positions in the UK are held by women of colour, and no women of colour have FTSE 100 roles. By prioritizing women of colour, your company gains diverse perspectives, drives innovation, and attracts top talent.


Simultaneously, address the challenges faced by women of colour due to intersecting biases. Research shows that 61% alter aspects of themselves to "fit in" at work, and 75% have experienced racism, with 27% encountering racial slurs. Troublingly, 42% are passed over for promotions despite positive feedback, compared to 27% for white women.*


Prioritising women of colour fosters representation, dismantles systemic inequities, and creates an inclusive workplace benefiting all employees. It aligns with social responsibility goals and ensures relevance in an increasingly diverse market.


Our network and programs, led by women of colour professionals, collaborate with organisations of all sizes to drive meaningful change.


*Source: Broken Ladders Report 2022: Runnymede & Fawcett Society

Our story

Women of Colour Global Network (WOCGN) was born from the vision of our co-founders, Haseena Farid and Mylene Sylvestre. As leaders in their respective fields, they understood the obstacles faced by women of colour on their professional journeys and wanted to create the tools and support structures they wished were available to them early in their careers. Driven by their shared passion for equity and empowerment, they established WOCGN in 2021. 




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What clients say

“Women of Colour Global Network is such a 
fabulous, innovative and supportive enterprise that realises the importance of providing new insight, meaningful encouragement and external perspectives to women and non- binary colleagues of colour.


Lisa Gillespie, Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, DK

Who we've worked with:

Howlett Brown.webp
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